some howtos I made in 2004
I’m currently documented a few howtos mainly when i am developing my own projects . My maintain on this howtos is poor, because i spend a lot of time on other projects and crazy ideas.
If you have any questions please mail me .
Howtos :
- Installing the wireless card D-Link DWL-650+ under Linux, A brief tutorial on how to install the DWL-650+ Wireless card on a linux box, its based on a Redhat 9.0 but is common to all distros.
- Installing a Natural Selection Server under Linux (Spanish), Manual para la instalacion y administracion de un Servidor Half-Life, mas concretamente el mod Natural Selection, bajo el sistema operativo Linux. Este manual esta basado en las propias experiencias y tambien explica la instalacion de addons como el AMX o METAMOD para facilitar el mantenimiento de dicho servidor.
- Installing the Rack HP DL380 G3 under Linux Debian, This is a manual to install Linux (Debian distro ) onto the rack from HP DL380 G3. I write this howto because it takes me a lot of time to install properlylinux on the specified hardware.